Working in retail can be a nightmare. There are always crabby customers and people who are demanding, just to name a few instances of working in retail. But when someone says to me "excuse me, but do you work here?" they are really proving that people are not that smart. Obviously I work here if I have on a walkie talkie and a badge. Also if that isn't obvious enough, I am folding clothes or talking to other customers. So umm yes I do work here, do you really need to even ask. It gets even better, many customers ask what is 50% off an item. 50% off is an easy percentage point to determine. You simply take half of the number on the ticket price. It is not like we are asking you to take 70% off, that would be different because I would still have a hard time doing that in my head. It just amazes me how lazy or dumb people really can be. 

Another one of my favorites is "umm, the sign says that this shirt is $15, how much is it?" Seriously do people not think before they speak. It is moments like these I have to bite my tongue before I speak or it will not be pretty. What is the world coming to. Why would we mark the table as a certain price and then have it be a different price point? Ugh! People can be so frustrating and most days I come out of work feeling very aggravated. 

On top of these questions that we get on a daily basis, we also get the customers that  get really cranky because we don't have anymore of their size or of something else that they want. The worst is when someone's credit card gets denied and they blame you for it!! Yes, because I made your credit card deny your purchase, yup all my fault, how'd you know! It just amazes me how people can be so rude and inconsiderate, I work retail, this is not going to be my job forever, so chill out. Also I work at Aeropostale, not some expensive boutique or ritzy store. We are not going to give you our undivided attention 24/7. One we don't have enough employees to do that and two if we are busy we are more worried about getting people through the register and into fitting rooms, than running around for you. 

Continuing my rant, what really bothers me is when someone either waits in line at the cash wrap for a fitting room, or when someone snaps and waves their hand at me to get them a fighting room. Excuse me but I am not a dog, don't wave at me to get my attention, that is beyond rude. Simply just ask me for a fitting room, no problem there. Also please don't wait in line for a fitting room because I am the only employee that you see. Your going to wait in line and I am going to tell you that if you want a fitting room that you can go over to the fitting rooms and someone will get you one. Clearly I am unable to help you if I am ringing out someone's items. But what do I know, apparently I can be in two places at one time. I wish! I could get so much done. 

What makes me feel better is that most of us will joke around with one another about what someone just said to us. Its easier to vent that way than to build up the frustration. Another great moment is when we close the store and are trying to recover it. We all usually de-stress by grabbing a snack or drink (nonalcoholic but sometimes I wish I was 21 and could just go out and get one). We also plug in our own music and have a jam session. We are loud, obnoxious, and joke around. If it wasn't like this after we close I would still be very stressed (especially around holiday time). Anyways retail can be a pain, you definitely need to be a people person to work in any type of retail. I would much rather work in retail than in food. But hey we all have our own preferences. And as for people, they will never change, there will always be nice ones and difficult ones. Welcome to our society!

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